Eastside is a congregation of people "Loving God-Loving Others- Making Disciples-Being Changed!” Join us as we worship, play, serve, learn & grow, & find in Jesus the answer to our needs!


EVERYONE is welcome here regardless of their past or present. We Love God, Love Others, Make Disciples & Let God Change us.  

We are your FRIENDS and want to assist you, wherever you are on your faith journey. We are loved by God and freely offer that love to you. We are not here to judge or condemn but to share who God is and how God has changed our lives. 

We try to help BELIEVERS, who have asked for and received Christ’s forgiveness, as their family, to encourage and help them grow;

We walk beside DISCIPLES, those giving God full control of your life, to lead a vital Christian life through:

Whether you are a friend, believer or disciple, we love you and want to help your life & faith in any way we can. 

    Raising or Growing them,  but ALWAYS Making  Disciples!

Have you led someone to the Lord? Have you discipled someone until they were leading other people to the Lord? Statistics tell us less than 1 in 40 "Christians" do this in our lifetime, but it's the Great Commission, the last instruction from Jesus to his followers. It's what we do at www.EastsideNC.org !


Our Relationship to God through Christ by the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit is the most important thing in our lives. But we believe what Christians around the world believe, seen in the scriptures and common creeds of the first 400 years after Christ.
We also emphasize God's ability to change our hearts and lives after we are saved, called sanctification. As we submit our whole lives to Christ, God offers us a life of joy, peace and love that changes us and spreads to others and around the world.